Thursday, May 26, 2011

The Latest from Kenny

Hello readers! It's been about a month or more since my last post, but school's out and summer's here so I've been busy with other things. I did promise to keep up my blog though, more for myself than anything. Cuba's and Study Abroad's role in my life still continues and shouldn't end just because the class I created this blog did :)
Speaking of, I actually did have some exciting news from Cuba while I was writing earlier blog posts about Cuba, but I had to finish those first before I could get to this latest thing. Those earlier posts aside, I did get a letter from my friend in Cuba and it was coincidentally near my birthday. It was perhaps my favorite present, to have received a more tangible peace of that home away from home. For me, the letter itself, not just the well wishes and sentiments it contained, represent an affirmation of my bond with that place and the amazing people there. And with every letter and e-mail and photo exchanged, that place settles more and more permanently in my heart.
Since I've been back from school, I've been able to e-mail my friend in Cuba more frequently and catch up with what's been going on in our lives. It's amazing to me to see how much we've both changed and how much we've both stayed the same over these almost two years since I left that home. My church is sending another group to Cuba this summer, so I'm hoping to write a letter back to my friend. I'm hoping to share a little bit of my life here with him, just as he has with me. I'm hoping that I can keep the bond I share with that place and the people there alive, one word at a time =^. .^=

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