Thursday, September 15, 2011

Study Abroad...?

Attention readers, this is your Captain speaking. We seem to have experienced some temporal disturbance, so we are resetting the time and date. The current time is... However long it takes me to post this. The date is 9/15/2011 (or 15/9/2011 depending on where you are). 'We good? Say something, anything... Test 1, 2, 3. Anything but that! *Erhm* ...Very well then, lets pick up where we left off...
Since last I wrote, I've actually made some considerable progress in getting ready to Study Abroad. (I ought to, considering it's been about four months since last time!) Anyway, as of today, I have officially turned in all the necessary paperwork for my application!! YAY!
Such documents included: two references from major professors, a study site form (of the classes you want to take), a language competency test (since I knew I wanted to study somewhere en España), several "I have read this and understand its contents" documents, a copy of my transcript, the application fee, and proabably a few other things that I can't remember off the top of my head (sad, no?). Now that that's done, I have my interview set-up which will be sometime in the next two weeks. Whew!
I have my eyes set on studying abroad in a rather quaint city called Cuenca in the Castilla-La Mancha district in Spain. My application puts me in Spain from roughly mid-January to mid-June of next year (2012), but those dates will definitely change once I get a feel for the city I'm going to. The school there is called La Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha (or UCLM for short). The school in Cuenca is a branch school of the main university, sort of like how UNCG is part of the larger UNC system. I'll explain my reasons for choosing this location later, but safe to say I am quite pleased with my choice :) My runner up school is Toledo, but I feel good about Cuenca.
More to follow soon, thanks for skimming by! =^. .^=